Wolves Of The Elements
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Glojo: The Person Behind the Screen XD

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Glojo: The Person Behind the Screen XD Empty Glojo: The Person Behind the Screen XD

Post  Guest Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:18 pm

Name: Jake
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Age: 15, 16 or 17
Gender: Male
Zodiac: Taurus

Likes: Anime, drawing wolves and nature (trees, landscapes), drawing with: charcoal, white chalk and pencil, reading fiction books, Greek and Roman mythology, gods and goddesses in general, sleeping Sleep

Dislikes: People who stay inside all the time, noodles, swag, rude people, two-faced people, getting stuck behind someone in the hallway who walks REALLY slow.

Personality: I don't go up to people and make friends, I wait for people to come to me, so I guess you could call me quiet. Once you get to know me you'll see the real me, and you'll know when I've opened up to you.

Pets: One black lab, her name is Sadie, pretty much your normal bouncing off the walls lab, but she likes sleeping in boxes.... One cat named Rocky, he has eyes as big as owl eyes, hence his nickname Owl, scared of anyone and anything, if you breathe to loud he's out of the room. He was made for the title Scaredy Cat.

I think that's all you need to know about me you stalker... XD


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